The Dunning-Kruger Effect, 2020

Earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, glazes and lustre

Sizes variable

This collection of colourful ceramics requires the viewer to have a sense of humour. Allman uses the archetype of the vessel or container to explore psychological vulnerability.

The concept tackles the notion of the artist as a fake and a failure. Drawing on the Dunning-Kruger Effect, which states that if you are stupid, you don’t know you are stupid, because you’re stupid. Allman has applied this to the artist. “If you are a bad artist, you don’t know you are making bad art, because you’re a bad artist.”

The text on the vessels reveal the deluded vulnerability of the oblivious maker. The vessels appear more insightful than their maker.

Copyright Annette Allman


Tequila totems

